Happy late White's Day to everyone. I hope everyone have properly gave a response/ receive the response that you have wanted.

Setting romantic love aside. Love for something else stirred even more stronger for me this year. And that was MUSIC.

Revisiting the past includes not only revisiting past fears, but also the love of something. And nothing has brings me more comfort than music itself.

When I was searching for ideas for Valentine's day during December 2022, I was reminded of one person. And I personally name him as "Chun" because I was technically lasy of pronouncing his whole name anyways.

I wouldn't say I was super-duper infatuated with him in the past. But it was more of, appreciation of whatever he was good in. And he was very good in cello, and I remembered wanting to learn cello because of him.
I didnt get to work with him during college, nor get to talk to him. But something in his music just draws me in ( and not because he was good looking too HAHAH)

So, I looked into his soundcloud for his music. And yes, he do records his piano playing, and uploads it there. And I found one that stuck to me.
He named it "Aurora", and got the inspiration of writing that piano piece from the book " The magical strings of frankie presto" by Mitch Albom

In the piece, he wanted to capture the act of love and sacrifice of the female protagonist Aurora, towards the male protagonist, Frankie.

And that piano playing made me bought the book.


The decision to read this book after finding it on Chun's Description felt like a special coincidence and great experience. Because this actually gave me the courage to get more serious into making music.

Mitch Albom wrote this book in the perspective of Music as a third perspective. Centering of the life of the male protagonist Frankie.


As much as this book gave an inspiration to Chun, about the essense of love and sacrifice. It gave me an insight on what it was like to be in touch and in Love with music.
That gave me the idea of trying to portray my part of the piece that resonates Chun's, with the perspective of Frankie's sacrifices and struggles in the book.

1) The interpretation of the love of Aurora and Frankie as symphony by Music

Allegro( A quick spirited opening), 
Aldagio( A slow turn)
Minuet/Scherzo( Short step 3/4 time)
Rondo(a repeating them, interrupted by multiple passages)

I wrote " Frankie" as a symphony piece, having in mind on directing the music with these 4 music notations.

2) The Quick Changes in Music

"Things shift from major and minor quickly. its a simple chord change. A flattening of the third you, you move one finger and its done."

"On the very day he found love, He lost his home as well.
From major to minor."

Integrating this quote from the book, the changes from the first verse to the next verse in my orchestral piece was alittle abrupt, but it capture the motion of things moving quickly in the blink of an eye.
From paradise to nighmare.

3) The continuous reference of Francisco Tarrega to Frankie Presto

Francisco Tarrega is a famous spanish guitarist, who's very prominent in his tremolo technique.

"where does the word tremolo come from?
What does tremble means?
to shake, to quiver. to be scared or nervous.
when you are in love"

(In reference to technique used in Recuerdos de la alhambra by Francis. "Memories of the Alhambra")

This phrase in the book did made a big impact in my heart. 
Back in my teens, I was in the chinese orchestra. And from there, I learnt how to tremolo in the right way.
I was very frightful of my instructor, because she can be very strict. But she taught me the true meaning of playing with your feelings. "Read into the meaning of the piece, know its history, and you will understand". 

The meaning of tremolo had a meaning of falling into love that you fear. And deep down as a aromantic. It wasn't of choice nor bad perspective of being in a relationship. But it was primarily my fears of entrusting my feelings onto someone. 

4) The Meaning of the 6 magic strings that were given to Frankie

El Maestro, Frankie's tutor and also Frankie's biological father, which he only found very much later, described the 6 strings of the guitar:

" The first string is E. Its high pitch and quick like a child.
Second string is B. It is pitched slightly lower, like the squeaky voice of a teenager.
Third string G, is deeper, with the power of a young man.
Fourth string D, is robust, a man full of strength.
Fifth string A is solid and loud, but unable to to reach high tones, like a man who can no longer do what he did
"The sixth string E is the lowest hum"...
"It is because life will always drag you to the bottom"

Instances when the strings turned blue:
1st string: The first instance where he met Django. It is where " He realised the utter disconnect between a man's body and the music he can make".

2nd string: Where Frankie saved Aurora back in the pub

4th String: It was when he saved Hampton Belgrave's life, by getting him immediate medical attention from a heart attack. He understood that through this strings, he held life in his hands(his strength)

5th string: Where Frankie found out Alberto( El maestro friend) killed him by drowning him in the sea years ago. With a fit of a rage, where Alberto showed no remorse. Frankie pulled the trigger on Alberto.
"Penance" Frankie stopped talking for 3 years.

6th string: In his last performance at Kai's performance. It was where Frankie found that, it was not for people's lives that changed the strings blue,
 it was his heart. From the turning of blue in the strings, it has released the burden of life from him.
*Kai was Aurora's and Frankie's adopted child*

The very weird thing that occured to me was that, the book has never mentioned on the instance that the third string had turned blue.  

The strength of a young man

Another story/ parable that illustrate the will and strength of a young man would be Young King David from the Bible.

The faith to overcome large obstacles.
Young David was also a musician, where he played the harp

Therefore, it gave me the inspiration to weave harp sounds into the mix.

All these ideas and inspiration concluded to the creation of "Frankie"

It was my first time writing a orchestral piece, and it was a great new experience where I learnt to control issues that I am weak in, such as:

  • Frequency clashing
  • Curbing Reverbs
  • Mastering

Frequency clashing was mostly attributed by the massive usage of reverb, and also was attributed by the heavy bass and drums that clashes too closely.

I was also very glad that I was able to put my new reverberator pedal ( Afterneath by EQD) into use here, as it gave my guitars a new reverb tone that weaves very nicely into the mix.



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